


我想借此机会向那些可能不认识我的人介绍一下我自己. 我在Alliance长大,1998年毕业于AHS. 除了几次回家的短途旅行和一个夏天为快报新闻撰稿.我一直在外求学、工作和照顾家庭.  然而, Alliance and the surrounding community have never been far from my mind and have always been a part of me. My experience growing up here and the support I experienced from the community shaped who I am and what I do.

我从事初级保健运动医学. 我不仅治疗受伤的运动员, 还能帮助各个年龄段的人变得活跃起来, 保持活跃, 或在生病或受伤后恢复活动. My goal is to help people live the type of life they want to live and to help them achieve their goals.  我不认为我有机会在我的家乡提供这种护理, but last Spring a chance meeting provided me the opportunity to come back home to care for and support the community that supported me.

Years ago this community showed up on Friday nights and Saturday mornings to support me and my teammates. 它帮助我去欧洲参加田径比赛 & 场. 当朋友和家人去世时,他们聚集在一起提供支持. BBGH的医护人员帮助我度过了伤病,从而改变了我的生活.  我希望通过自己的照顾来回馈社会, 支持社区里的人们的努力, 帮助别人实现他们的目标.